Splitting the Infinitive– just don’t do it, OK?
An infinitive is a verb that is used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. Usually it is the simple verb form preceded by the word “to.” In the [...]
An infinitive is a verb that is used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. Usually it is the simple verb form preceded by the word “to.” In the [...]
Sing the following to nice C major scale. “I, you, he, she, it, we, they—will NEVVV-VER be objects.” Now repeat it. “I, you, he, she, it, we and they” are [...]
The Wrong Time to be Normal I usually have to write about my students with aliases. But since I want to share my own son’s admissions horror story, I [...]
I grew up in Chattanooga, Tennessee at the Girls’ Preparatory School, where we NEVER split infinitives, and if we did, we heard about it. Of course, if we dared to [...]
Too often when students go through the process of finding their “best fit” college, they focus almost entirely on finding the right academic, social, or intellectual fit. As a result, many college lists are crafted without regard to whether or [...]
When it comes time to apply to colleges, too often students and their families dismiss the idea of applying for financial aid. The reasons for this are varied, but a [...]
The possessive modifies a gerund. A gerund is a verb that has been turned into a noun by the suffix “ing.” Visiting a college can be awesome. “Visiting” is a [...]
As an independent college counselor and educational consultant, I specialize in the college admissions process. I approach students with respect and optimism. I am often humbled by the trust my [...]
Kalie’s mom, Pandora, interviewed me at a noisy hamburger joint when I first began my work as an educational consultant. As a mentor and high school volunteer I had helped [...]